Friday, June 20, 2014


Hey all!!
Earlier in the week I was thinking about writing this and planning out what I was gonna to say... But I didn't write any if it down so I have no idea any of what I was going to say!
So! All if this is completely whatever comes to my mins to write down right now. Could be anything! Who knows! :)

Well, first of all, I was going to make this blog post on June 24th, but since I will be in Chi Alpha tour up in Pittsburgh that day (and actually we're making a road trip on the 24th to Cleveland, Ohio), I won't really have a chance to write anything or post.

The reason why June 24th is such a bu day for me is because... On that day, exactly three years ago (THREE!!), I pulled away from my house in Ohio and we moved to Virginia.
If you know me, you know my story.
I can't believe so much time has passed. I really don't understand it.
When I got here, I would tell myself almost ever day, "okay, I only have three years. Of this. That's all. I can do this," in attempt to kinda encourage myself.
Wow how the time flew,
And oh, how things have changed!
I went from dreading everything here, from not having a house, to now having a HOME!
Now don't get me wrong, Ohio still is and forever will me home to me.
It's where I grew up, from 3 to almost 15.
It's where I learned music, learned that it's what I love, learned as much as I could about it. I spent my middle school years in all the bands I could be in and that didn't change freshman year. I took years and years and years of piano lessons and a summer of vocal lessons and a year of guitar lessons before we moved. It's where I learned to love music.
And, of course, I have, throughout my twelve years there, had the most amazing, special, wonderful, friends any girl could ask for. Some have come and gone, but they will always be so dear in my heart. And the ones who stayed mean more to me than I could ever express. Every time I think about all of them (which is every single day without fail by the way) I still have this pain inside of me because of how much I miss them. Like a little hold in me. I miss my best friends, these girls I love so much. The few short visits I have had to see then isn't enough. I get to see them all grow up and change form 600 miles away, but at least I have that, and I love it.
Ohio is also where I had my future already planned out for me. The university half and hour down the road, and the perfect plan I could follow.
That is probably the biggest change...
My future now waits in Lynchburg at Liberty University, and I couldn't couldn't be happier or more excited! In now less than two months. I will be among the college campus on one of the biggest adventures of my life (up there with The Big Move).
I am completely trusting God and letting Him lead me wherever I am supposed to go, to Lynchburg and beyond.
Not to mention, it's a big plus that I will be with some of my very best friends in the world!
I have made lifelong friends during my time in Virginia and I pray we never ever ever grow apart! They're always there for me, no matter what, and I have so much trust in all of them. I truly am blessed with all I have. I really could keep rambling in and on about how wonderful they all are.

Oh! And I remembered something else I was going to talk about!
Guess who is done with high school?! This girl!!
High school graduate right here!
On Friday, June 13, I graduated class of 2014.
High school had it's ups and downs... But quite honestly I cannot believe it's over.

2 states
2 high schools
2 churchs
31 teachers
29 classes
20+ nicknames
4 phones
1 piano
2 keyboards
1 fish
15 sock monkeys
1 glorious Savior
Countless friends
Countless tears
Countless priceless memories
I have traveled to:
Norfolk/Virginia beach/etc, Virginia
New York City, New York
Buffalo/Orchard Park, New York
Dayton/ Kettering/etc, Ohio
New Orleans, Louisiana
Nassau, Bahamas
Nashville, Tennessee
Outer banks, North Carolina
Cleveland, Tennessee
Lynchburg, Virginia
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (leaving tomorrow)
Cleveland, Ohio (24th)
Myrtle beach (this summer)
Texas (someday)

My point with all this is... It's bee a great few years and I don't know that I could ask for better.
The amount of support and love I've gotten here in Virginia is simply overwhelming.
I love it here so much.
Virginia is my home.

My current favorite verse that I wish I could have know. Back when I was 14 and going through the moving process is Romans 8:38-39.

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death not life, demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow- not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love."

Personal shout out to everyone in my life this far. I could never have done it without you. I love you all!