Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is Me!!! :)


Well, I just wanted to start off by saying... obviously, this is my first blog. My first blog post. And, well, I'm not exactly sure of what to be saying here. I'm not sure if this whole blog thing is going to be a home run or a flush.  Well, either way, I'm going to try this. And who knows?! This may turn out to be okay.

I suppose I should start out by telling a little bit about myself.

Fact #1
I love Jesus. Period. He is my Lord and my Savior, forever and ever. Period. I follow Him with my life. Period.
That's a lot of 'Period's. But it's true.

Fact #2
I am an awful speller. And I've already noticed that this thing does not have a spell check. And I do not have one of those fancy laptops that tells you every single time you spell something wrong. But anyway, I've probably already spelled numerous things wrong, and for all you word fanatics... I'm sorry. I wish I was a better speller... but the fact is... I 'm just not. :)

Fact #3
I love music. Just about every single kind. I play many instruments, and enjoy learning new ones whenever possible. Well, I guess to clarify, I should describe my "many" instruments.
Singing. Yes, I include this as an instrument. :)
hmmm.... I think that's all. Interesting. I thought it was longer than that. Well maybe that's just because I live around so many different ones.
My dad- he's in the Air Force band. Interesting, yes, I know. (and he's a pro bowler, but we'll get into that later). He plays so many instruments, its hard to keep track. I mean, clarinet (every single kind. I wish I could list them all out to you... but I can't there's too many.), saxophone (again, every single kind.), percussion (this is like pretty much everything that falls into that category... and he tries the drum set every now and then. He's not too shabby at that actually:) ), un poco of the flute, un poco of the piano, and a few others that I must be forgetting.
My brother- he played piano for a few years, and then quit, but every now and then we find him sitting at the piano bench. Also, he tried violin for a few years, quit just the same. Currently, he's working on the trumpet with his middle school's sixth grade band. I actually want him to keep up with this one though.
My mom- uhm she doesn't really play any instrument in particular... but she sings.
So maybe I'm taking after my dad? I don't know. But I love every minute of it :)

Fact #4
I'm realizing that I say 'every single' quite a lot. And it's starting to annoy me...

Fact #5
I love to read. Yes, it's true. I don't know why. It facinates me. You can enter a world that is entirely your own when you read. And you can meet new people and make lasting friendships. It's a bit like Schizophrenia, I'm not gonna lie.

Fact #6
Fact #6 goes along with Fact #5. I love to write. And it's also like Schizophrenia. You make up the characters. They tell you what is happening, and you write it down. I'm not crazy. This happens. For real. ;)

Fact #7
I don't like how I'm doing this whole 'Fact #' thing. This has to stop.

I love pictures and photography. I love watching it rain. I love daydreaming. I love ice cream, unless it has nuts in it. Or coconut. Ick. I love cats. I love dogs. I love animals. I love my friends, and I love my family. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. I love pretending I'm artistic, even though all my friends know how that ends up when that happens. I love art. I love to pretend I can dance. I love to pretend I'm funny. I love to pretend that I'm still a little girl. Basically, I love to pretend about anything. I love to watch videos of the past, reminding me of how things were. I love Spanish, and I love English. I love Ohio, and I love Virginia. I love New York, and I love California. I love the U.S. and I love Europe. I love huge cities, and I love tiny suburbs. I love the ocean, and I love large open fields. I love to travel, and I love to stay in one place.

Well, now I don't know what else to say, so I'm going to go and re-read this thing of mine and make sure there aren't too many mistakes and fix the ones that I catch... and then I suppose that i'll post it!

Thanks for reading :)

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