Thursday, September 5, 2013

loving life

hey all.

life is crazy.
dont you all agree?
I don't know who's reading this
or even if anyone is
but I think anyone would agree about life.

it's busy.
it's stressfull.
it's long.
it's boring.
it's slow.
it's fast.
it's unpredictable.
it's nothing you expect.
it's crazy.

Sometimes life explodes on you
and you don't have time to do the little things.
Like this blog.
Obviously, I've been lacking.
I haven't written in over a year.
Who knows when the last time I even thought about blogging was.
I've been so busy.
And on top of that,
who ever knows what to write??

All that said,
today I was bored and had a geneous idea.
Why don't I go to that old blog page and read some of my old stuff?

So I did.

I read my whole story
and I won't lie
I almost cried.

It took me back to the time when everything was wrong,
the time when I was still figuring things out for myself in Virginia.

But there was one thing that stuck out to me when I was reading.
It wasn't anything that I had actually published.
It was only a draft.
I don't know why I never posted it.
I probably didn't think it was good, etc etc.
But when I read it this time, it hit me in a new way.

That even back then,
when I was hurting,
when I was in pain,
I still knew the Truth.
I still knew things would be okay.

Here is what I wrote:

Hey!! :)

So if you're reading this, then you probably know who I am, and you probably know my story. You know where i'm from and you know where I am.

Well, just in case, let me refresh your memory.

My parents are from Buffalo, New York. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts. I moved to Ohio when I was three. I moved to Virginia when I was fourteen.

Now I am fifteen, just over eleven months later...and I have to say... that major move from Ohio to here.... it was a journey, let me tell you. Probably the hardest thing I have done in the course of my small life.

Why am I telling you this?


You see that title up there, right? Big letters. Loving Life.
Now look a little bit further up. Don't Forget to Love Life.

That's why.

I made so many mistakes in that journey. I learned so many things the hard way.

Look, friend, I don't know who you are. I don't know what you are going through. I don't know who is reading this. I don't know if anyone is reading this. But I have to say one thing.

It's not over.

Yeah, that's right.

A few days before the big move, I was texting one of my closest friends. I was complaining. I was telling her about how scared I was. About how I didn't want this to happen. About how I wish I could change things. I was scared, and I didn't know what was going to happen. You know, she texted me one thing, and it's stayed in my brain ever since. It was simple, just a few lines of typing, but it meant so much. It was a Bible verse.
You know which one?

1 Peter 5:7
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

I don't know if that was the same version. I don't know what version she sent it to me in. But you know what? It's all the same. Means the same thing.

God cares for you. And me.
Do you know what that means?

It's not over.

Even when you feel like your life is crashing down around you, even when you feel like you can't go on... He's always there for you. He will never leave you. No matter what.

It doesn't matter where you've been.
It doesn't matter what you've done.
It doesn't matter how many times you've succeeded, how many times you've failed, how many times you've just plain given up.

It's not over, and God is still with you.


All the way, through this whole move, I was so determined to be miserable.
I was so determined to have an awful time and have no fun.

I don't know what I thought I would prove.

But it took me forever to realize that life isn't over, God's still with me, and it's not the end.

Don't forget to love this life you're in because it's the only one you have and it isn't over yet.

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