Day 3 – your favorite television program
T.V.? Honestly, to tell the complete total truth, I don't watch a lot of T.V.
T.V.? Honestly, to tell the complete total truth, I don't watch a lot of T.V.
Sometimes if I'm bored to tears I will turn it on and just watch whatever comes up. But for most cases, I just find something better to do with my time.
Oh, and, of course, I do regularly watch NCIS and NCIS LA.
I love crime shows like that, even though I do have a weak stomach. When it comes to the blood and gore and when the doctor is digging through the dead body, I always turn my head. I get insanely grossed out by that sort of thing, even thought I love the rest of the show. It's just those little parts that I can't watch.
I don't know why I'm like that. I get so shaky and almost faint when it comes to things like blood or needles.
The other day, they were doing a blood drive at my school, during the school day. It was in the auditorium, on the stage, so I figured I wouldn't have anything to do with it, and all would be okay.
Little did I know. I was walking to band class, but we all soon figured out that there were SOL retakes in the room right across from the band room. In other words, we weren't allowed to go into that hallway, let alone go into the band room and play our insturments. As a wonderful solution, our teacher told us to go into the auditorium and sit around in there for the whole period.
Does anyone else see my delima???
It was awful. I couldn't look at the stage. I made the mistake of accidently taking a peek once.... and it was a good thing I was already sitting down, let me tell you.
Well, anyways. I have absolutely no idea what that has to do with my favorite TV shows.
Thats just the effect of me talking my brain.
That's all for now, thanks! :)
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