Thursday, August 9, 2012

25 and beyond

In my last post, I began to tell my story. Here I am now to finish it as best as I can.

For the next two or three weeks, we spent our time in a hotel and our camper, because we had no house here. Finally, we found a house, and started to move in. It took us only a day or two to unpack everything, and I got started right away at unpacking my boxes and getting things organized in this new room of mine.
Despite the pain.
Despite the gut feeling that this wasn't right.
It wasn't home.

For three or four weeks we went to a church called Northside.
We stopped going there when I heard a guy talking about me right behind my back.
The first night I was there, he was all nice to me and tried to make me feel welcome.
Well, let me just say I felt so discouraged right then, that I decided to tell my parents not to go back to that church.
I remember his name was Josh.
I remember he told me he lived in Running Man, which made me want to stay completely away from that neighborhood as much as I could and at all costs.
I remember he told me he just graduated from Tabb High School, which made me not want to go to that school and to avoid it at all costs. (and then we found out we had picked a house that went to that school o.O)
It just was not a good experience for me.

And also, I remember at that church, the first week we went there, it was the day after we had arrived in Virginia, and we didn't have a house.
I had to fill out one of those vistor cards, you know?

But there was a problem.

I didn't have an address.
I didn't have a home phone number.
I didn't have a school.
I didn't have a neighborhood.

All I really had was a name and my dad's work place.

You get what I mean? How I had a problem?
It was so depressing.

We tried out another church, but I didn't like this one any better.

Megan came down to Virginia Beach, and along the way, she visited me.
We had a blast, going to the park and took a bunch of pictures, sitting aorund and talking, and simply just being together like old(ish) times.

Also, I met a girl who lived down the street from us. We started hanging out, and I got a really good feeling inside of me like it was God giving me this girl to be friends with. It was the first feeling of hope that I had had inside of me for a long time.

A week or two later, we went to Liberty Baptist Church, for the grand opening of the new worship center. It was HUGE. And I mean huge. Somewhere around 7,000 people.

That Wednesday, I went to Tabb to register and sign up for everything.
They told me that if I wanted to be in band class, then I would have to be in marching band. At first I thought I could get out of it, since they had just started that day, but no, they said I would have to start the very next day. I started crying right there in the school office.
Later that awful day, I had to go to the doctor. My brother was planning on getting shots, and I was just tagging along because the doctor had to sign some thing of mine that I was up to date with all of my shots.
Well apparently he couldn't sign it, because I needed three.

Guess who also got three shots that day.
Guess who also cried like a little baby and had to be held down for them to get that needle even close to me.
I don't do well with needles. At all.

So arms hurting and all, that night, I went to Liberty youth group to check it out and see the youth praise team and see if it was anything that I would like to be a part of.
Well, needless to say... they were really good and I loved it.
I met a few people and followed them around all night.
And I also shut down. I didn't talk, except when spoken to.
I guess I just kinda figured it was just another church and why bother getting to know everyone and opening up when we would just be switching churches again anyway.

Well anyways, the very next day, I showed up at Tabb High School for my first day of marching band. It was awful. I walked into the tiny band room and immediately felt totally overwhelmed and like I was going to cry. I knew no one. Not a single person. But really, how could I have?
Somehow, I managed to get by, but it was the worst week of learning how to march of my entire life. (the only one too, but it was terrible anyway.)

At the end of the month, there was a hurricane and everyone freaked out and evacuated, but turns out the damage where we had gone too was worse than it was back at the house. And the wind storm in 7th grade was way worse than that thing too.

On my birthday, we went to beach, just cause we could. Without driving hours and hours and hours.

A few days later, we started school. Again, somehow I made it through. I met people here and there, and recognized a few from marching band. I don't know how, but I got through it. Despite the hurt and the pain.

I made it through marching band, and even started enjoying it right at the end. I made some friends that I still have to this day and I'm so glad that I did.

We stayed at Liberty, and I joined the high school chior called Chi Alpha. The week after school let out, we went on tour in New Orleans. Sometime I'll write some about it. It was incredible.

On the 24th of June, we had our homecoming concert. It was a very hard day for me, since it was exactly a year since we had left Ohio.

And you know what?
I could have been sitting at home completely alone, crying on my bed.
But I wasn't
Instead, I was with all of my friends, celebrating life in Christ, and worshipping Him like there was no tomorrow.
I'd say that's a pretty good substitute, wouldn't you? :)

Love, Bridget Colleen <3

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hello all!

I don't know who is reading this. I don't know if anyone is reading this.
But I just want to write about what I'm thinking about right now... because honestly it's been on my mind for a while now.

Today's date.
June 24th.

For some of you... the number has no significance whatsoever.
For others... you know right off hand what I'm talking about when I say this is the most depressing day in the year.

On exactly June 24th, 2011, I pulled away from my home in Ohio and drove all the way here- Hampton Virginia.

I remember everything like it just happened yesterday.
It so doesn't feel like a whole entire year has passed.

I remember the 21st; it felt like it was my last free night in a long time. My family and I went to the Shouster Center to see the Broadway Musical, Lion King. It was so amazing. I don't even have words to explain it.

I remember the 22nd, too. The moving truck was in front of our house, and everything inside the house was in boxes. So many boxes.
Bright and early in the morning, my family and I got up and started putting some of the things into the truck.
A few hours later, some of my friends came over and helped loaded and soaked up every second with me that they could. It was Nell, Erin, and Alyssa.
Megan, Maddie, and Sophie couldn't come.
I remember exactly which ones came over and which ones said that they couldn't come, and I cried and cried over them, thinking how I didn't know when I would see them next.
I remember enjoying every second with my friends, even ignoring the prolonging sadness that sat behind us.
We tried to pretend it wasn't there, but it was and we couldn't deny it in the end.
They gave me a scrapbook of so many pictures of me and them. Also, each one wrote a little note or a song or a poem or drew a picture for me. I remember sitting around in my empty living room going through it, page by page, reading every little thing, and the tears that were free falling across everyone's faces.

I remember we were taking a break and sitting on the sidewalk eating pizza and drinking pop.
We saw a spider.
We freaked out.
Erin poured 7-Up, Coke, and water on it, but it would not die!!!
Eventually, we lost track of it and went back inside.

Later that night, all of my friends left except for Nell. It was planned for her to stay with me and spend the night for what we knew would be our last sleepover in a long long time.
We stayed up so so late, long past the rest of my family.
In fact, I remember when we were just starting to settle down on my floor in our sleeping bags. I had my ipod plugged into my dock, and I had just set it onto a slow acoustic song to get us tired and go to sleep.
Something on my wall caught my eyes, and my head jerked up.

It was a spider.
On my wall.

For those of you who know me, I don't do well (at all) with spiders.

I stared at it wide eyes for a few seconds (even though it felt so much longer than that).
I screamed and jumped out of the room and to the bathroom and grabbed some toilet paper to kill the thing (yes, I was being very very brave, I know.)

As I tried to catch it, I tripped over the cord for my ipod dock. It tipped over, my ipod fell out, causing it so shuffle, and it started blasting a song.
Smooth, I know.

My mom showed up at my door and half asleep she asked what was going on.
I tried to explain to her that we had just settled down to sleep with an acoustic song on, when I saw a spider.
She only told us to go to sleep.

We laid there in the dark for quite some time, cracking up about what had just happened.
She later told me that she had thought my loft bed (which had not been taken out of my room yet) was about to fall or there was a giant crack in my wall or something. That's how much I freaked her out over that spider.

What was it with us and spiders?

I remember the next day, June 23rd.
I woke up with Nell the next morning on the floor of my almost empty room. And besides a closet full of clothes, a suitcase, my guitar, my loft, and the scrapbook, it was empty.
Jessica came over and helped move some more into the truck. So did some of my mom's friends.
I remember we would just sit on the back of the truck when we weren't doing anything, and we would take pictures or talk about the guy that was walking down the street.
I remember when Jessica had to leave first.
It was so hard. Just like it was saying goodbye to Erin and Alyssa the day before.

I kept telling her, it's not goodbye, it’s not goodbye.

I hate that word.
Just say "See you soon," or "See ya!" or something like that.
That's what I always do now, and personally, I think it’s a good habit to be in.
I just hate the word goodbye.

But anyway, finally her mom pulled us apart and said, "It's not gonna get any easier. We should go."
And I remember that moment so clearly in my brain.
It's etched in there pretty good.
The words.
The surrounding.
The people.
The pain.

What surprised me though... I didn't cry. Not once did I shed a tear. It hurt so badly, but I didn't cry. Despite being the crier that I am.

Then it was just me and Nell. There was nothing left to do though. We had put all my stuff in the truck, even my loft. All that was left in my room was my guitar and my suitcase I finally packed, and my ipod with the dock.
That's all we did for the longest time. Sat around and listened to Taylor Swift while I played along a little bit.

All of the sudden Erin and Alyssa burst into my room to say their final goodbyes. They were heading off to the Greene and stopped by on their way over. There were so many tears, but still, none by me.
The pain still hurt so bad.

The very last one to leave was Nell. Her brother came and picked her up, and I remember walking her out to her car. We gave one final big hug and almost didn't let go. It was too hard.
But she got into the car and they drove off.

I started to walk back up to the house, calmly and secure.
But that didn't last long. I ended up running up the sidewalk so I could get into the house and into my room before the tears began to waterfall.

It was as if I could hold all my tears, until the last friend was gone.
And it really did feel as if they were gone.
As if I would never ever see them again.

I sat there in a corner in my empty room and wrote and wrote and wrote in my journal. I listened to my ipod, even though all it did was torture me, with songs like When She Cries and Don't Forget to Remember Me and I Will Always Return and Just Cry.
Songs like that.
Song after song after song.
I remember crying in there and writing and texting my friends... and everything was echoing and it was driving me insane. I was in my room. In my home. A home wasn't supposed to echo, to feel so empty.
It was one of the worst nights of my life.

After what felt like an eternity later, even though it was only a few hours, we finally settled down for the night.
Even though I was far from settled.
I was in my room, sleeping on the ground.
In a sleeping bag.

In a sleeping bag!!!!

It just wasn't right!
To be in my own house... in a sleeping bag. No bed, nothing.

I listened to my ipod and I can still remember what songs I was listening to.
I listened over and over to a band called Heartsong. The most played song was Give Me a Love.
I cried and cried and cried, for so many reasons.
One of the reasons was that I was listening to Heartsong, and I would never see them again and that I would be missing Cedarville  in 2012. It hurt so bad.
All the other reasons... well I think it’s kinda obvious.
The next morning I would be getting in the car and driving to Virginia.

Sure enough, June 24th, we did just that. It seemed like I sat in my room forever, though, just waiting to get it over with and just to leave if it was absolutely  no option to stay. Which it wasn't.
My cat, Torrie, was in her little carrier and was sat on my lap as we drove away and got the last glimpse of our Ohio home.
We had to take Torrie to a shelter, since no one wanted to adopt her that we knew, and we couldn't take her with us.
That was another reason for more tears.

I remember we were driving to the shelter where Nell volunteers at, and all the while I was texting her to take care of my baby, since she would be seeing her every now and then.

But then something amazing happened.

Well, we got there and there was a sign on the door to not bring in animals until you signed them in and paid at the front desk. So me and my brother stood outside with my cat in her carrier while mom and dad did that. While we were standing there, a guy walked out of the shelter doors and turned and looked at us.
"You givin' that cat up?" he asked.
I nodded.
He looked in her cage. "You wanna make sure she gets a good home?"
I nodded again.
He said, "I'll take her."
My parents walked out then and they talked it over for a second.
But get this- the guy had a buffalo bills shirt on and a navy hat on. So he's from Buffalo and he is in the navy and he used to be in the air force. So we let him have our precious cat.
He took my mom's phone number and promised to give updates and pictures and whatnot from time to time, and so far has been doing just that. :)

It was a gift from God, that man, and I know that. I told all my friends, and all was well.

Then, we stopped at Panera and had something to eat before starting our long journey to Virginia.
It was me and my dad in his car, and my brother and my mom in her car.
It was honestly the longest car ride of my life.

I remember we drove past some guys from my school, including one my friend had the biggest crush on.
I cried because there would be no more talking and joking and 'stalking' him anymore.
I remember we drove past our bus route and a pond where we had seen some hilarious ducks (you had to be there- it’s not even funny when I try to explain).
I cried because there would be no more laughing at the ducks.
I remember we drove past the Greene.
I cried because there would be no more good times there.
I remember when we started driving out of familiar territory.
I cried because that would be becoming the norm for us.

June 24th, 2011 was probably the worst day of my life.
The pain hurt so bad.
I was leaving the only life I had ever known behind.
I was leaving into a life that I knew nothing about. I knew absolutely nothing about what was ahead.
I just had to trust that it was in God's hands. And even that became a real struggle for me.
It was too hard, and there were way too many times where I felt like I just couldn't handle it anymore.

But since then, as much as I would have hated to admit it, I've been meeting people, making friends, and making myself a life right here in Virginia.
It took me forever, and unfortunately I had to learn it the hard way, but you know what I realized?

That it's not over.
That God was always with me, and He always will be with me.
Incredible, huh?
That the maker of the universe will never leave any of us.

Leaving Ohio is still a painful subject for me, but I've been growing to Virginia a whole lot lately, too.
There's still healing to have, but God is working on that in me as I type this.

Thank you Lord for everything You have done for me.
You are always there, and I know. It took me forever to learn, but I got it now.
I love You.
Thank You so much.

Thanks for reading. :) I know it was long haha. I pasted it into a Word document for spell check.... and this was over 6 pages. And I had deleted half of it already to write in another entry later on because I decided this was getting way too long.
Thanks so much. :)

Bridget Colleen <3

Monday, June 11, 2012

day 3 :)

So I just said on my last post that I was going to do two days of my challenge thing, and then I never did the third day. So here we go! :)

Day 3 – your favorite television program

T.V.? Honestly, to tell the complete total truth, I don't watch a lot of T.V.
Sometimes if I'm bored to tears I will turn it on and just watch whatever comes up. But for most cases, I just find something better to do with my time.

Now this doesn't mean that there are not any shows that I keep up with.
For the most part, I watch American Idol and America's Got Talent and some of the other singing shows. And even though it's not really on anymore and they stopped making new ones, I still watch Monk whenever it happens to come on.

Oh, and, of course, I do regularly watch NCIS and NCIS LA.

I love crime shows like that, even though I do have a weak stomach. When it comes to the blood and gore and when the doctor is digging through the dead body, I always turn my head. I get insanely grossed out by that sort of thing, even thought I love the rest of the show. It's just those little parts that I can't watch.
I don't know why I'm like that. I get so shaky and almost faint when it comes to things like blood or needles.

The other day, they were doing a blood drive at my school, during the school day. It was in the auditorium, on the stage, so I figured I wouldn't have anything to do with it, and all would be okay.
Little did I know.
I was walking to band class, but we all soon figured out that there were SOL retakes in the room right across from the band room. In other words, we weren't allowed to go into that hallway, let alone go into the band room and play our insturments. As a wonderful solution, our teacher told us to go into the auditorium and sit around in there for the whole period.
Does anyone else see my delima???
It was awful. I couldn't look at the stage. I made the mistake of accidently taking a peek once.... and it was a good thing I was already sitting down, let me tell you.

Well, anyways. I have absolutely no idea what that has to do with my favorite TV shows.
Thats just the effect of me talking my brain.

That's all for now, thanks! :)

more favorites :)

Okay, I know I haven't written in like a whole month. So today I'm going to knock out two days of my blog challenge thing.

Day 2 – your favorite movie

Favorite movie.
Hmm. that's another hard one.

I don't really watch very many of those. But maybe I'll try to think up something.


I can't decide.
I like too many of the ones that I've seen.

Well, I love all the old kid movies like Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, and Spirit. I've seen al three of those so many times that I wouldn't be able to count them.

Then, of course, I have a thing for romantic comedies or the sappy love stories like The Last Song and  Letters to Julliet.

There are so many more but I can't think of any right this minute to write. I love all kinds of movies :)

What are your favorite movies?

I just texted a few of my friends to take a poll about what theirs are.
Here are my responses:

Friend numbero uno: A Walk to Remember

Friend numero dos: Monte Carlo

Friend numero tres: The Princess Bride tied with Forrest Gump

Friend numero cuatro:

Well there you go! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

You Are More

You are more than the choices that you’ve made.
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes.
You are more than the problems you create.
You’ve been remade.

'Cause this is not about what you’ve done,
But what’s been done for you.
This is not about where you’ve been,
But where your brokenness brings you to.
This is not about what you feel,
But what He felt to forgive you,
And what He felt to make you new.

You might recognize this song. Hopefully you do.

You Are More by Tenth Avenue North.

Now I challenge you, look back up at those lyrics and read them. Don't just skim over them and get the gist of what they're saying.
Soak them in.
Saturate yourself with the meaning.

I have so much to say about this song and all that it means... but in all honesty, I've tried and tried over and over, and I can never say it as well as my dear brother in Christ, Mike Donehey.

So, in other words, dear friend, please check out the link below, and read his blog. You will not be disappointed. I promise.

You are more!!

Thanks! :)

"What you do is not who you are. If you are in Christ, who you are is what has been done for you..."

According to My iPod

Day 1- your favorite song.

...Woah... You mean I have to pick one?!?!
Just one?

Okay... that is 100% impossible. Just saying. There is no way, ever, in a million years, that I would EVER be able to pick one favorite song.

I mean I don't even know where I would begin to try to pick one.

Maybe my most played songs playlist on my ipod?

Hmmm... Good idea. Maybe I'll look there.

My most played song:

How He Loves- David Crowder Band

Is that my favorite song?
Again, it's impossible to say. :)

I'm still looking at that same playlist... and also on there are 9 songs by Tenth Avenue North and 9 other songs by Anthem Lights.

I guess you can tell which two bands are my favorites, huh? :)

Right now as of this very second, even though I'm sure this is going to change very soon, I have 1132 songs in my itunes library. That's 3.1 days of music. My little 8 gig ipod isn't even able to fit it all on there. Sad, but true.

So I guess I will pick a few more out of those 3.1 days that I do consider to be some of my favorites. I'll try to make it a short list, but brace yourselves; it might be longer than intended for.

Love is Here- Tenth Avenue North

Strong Enough to Save- Tenth Avenue North

Where the Light Is- Anthem Lights

Everything- Lifehouse

Our God- Chris Tomlin

I Lift My Hands- Chris Tomlin

Free- Dara Maclean

How He Loves- David Crowder Band

Don't Stop Believin'- Journey

Tears of the Saints- Leeland

Secrets- OneRepublic

Breakeven- The Script

Hey, Soul Sister- Train

So Beautiful- Yellow Cavalier (now known as Anthem Lights)

Let the Waters Rise- MIKESCHAIR

All About Us- He Is We feat. Owl City

okay.... that was a lot of songs. But I love them all. These and so much more.

Some of them are my favorites just because I like them. Others because they move me everytime, and teach me something different each time. Others because I've had so many good times with them, like an inside joke with a best friend, or playing it as the last song I would ever play with one of the bands at my Ohioan church.

I have so many favorite songs. Music is a huge part of my life. :)

Thanks for reading! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog Challenge

Hey all!! :) soo since I'm kinda new to this whole blogging thing and I still don't really know what to write... I'm gonna steal this challenge thing from my friend :)
I will warn you right now though... I'm definitely not going to be doing this everyday. And I'm probably not going to be going in order. I probably wont do all of them, either. I'm just gonna pick and choose every now and then.
Just so you know :)

Day 1 – your favorite song
Day 2 – your favorite movie
Day 3 – your favorite television program
Day 4 – your favorite book
Day 5 – your favorite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc.)
Day 18 – my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a YouTube video
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – what’s in your handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is Me!!! :)


Well, I just wanted to start off by saying... obviously, this is my first blog. My first blog post. And, well, I'm not exactly sure of what to be saying here. I'm not sure if this whole blog thing is going to be a home run or a flush.  Well, either way, I'm going to try this. And who knows?! This may turn out to be okay.

I suppose I should start out by telling a little bit about myself.

Fact #1
I love Jesus. Period. He is my Lord and my Savior, forever and ever. Period. I follow Him with my life. Period.
That's a lot of 'Period's. But it's true.

Fact #2
I am an awful speller. And I've already noticed that this thing does not have a spell check. And I do not have one of those fancy laptops that tells you every single time you spell something wrong. But anyway, I've probably already spelled numerous things wrong, and for all you word fanatics... I'm sorry. I wish I was a better speller... but the fact is... I 'm just not. :)

Fact #3
I love music. Just about every single kind. I play many instruments, and enjoy learning new ones whenever possible. Well, I guess to clarify, I should describe my "many" instruments.
Singing. Yes, I include this as an instrument. :)
hmmm.... I think that's all. Interesting. I thought it was longer than that. Well maybe that's just because I live around so many different ones.
My dad- he's in the Air Force band. Interesting, yes, I know. (and he's a pro bowler, but we'll get into that later). He plays so many instruments, its hard to keep track. I mean, clarinet (every single kind. I wish I could list them all out to you... but I can't there's too many.), saxophone (again, every single kind.), percussion (this is like pretty much everything that falls into that category... and he tries the drum set every now and then. He's not too shabby at that actually:) ), un poco of the flute, un poco of the piano, and a few others that I must be forgetting.
My brother- he played piano for a few years, and then quit, but every now and then we find him sitting at the piano bench. Also, he tried violin for a few years, quit just the same. Currently, he's working on the trumpet with his middle school's sixth grade band. I actually want him to keep up with this one though.
My mom- uhm she doesn't really play any instrument in particular... but she sings.
So maybe I'm taking after my dad? I don't know. But I love every minute of it :)

Fact #4
I'm realizing that I say 'every single' quite a lot. And it's starting to annoy me...

Fact #5
I love to read. Yes, it's true. I don't know why. It facinates me. You can enter a world that is entirely your own when you read. And you can meet new people and make lasting friendships. It's a bit like Schizophrenia, I'm not gonna lie.

Fact #6
Fact #6 goes along with Fact #5. I love to write. And it's also like Schizophrenia. You make up the characters. They tell you what is happening, and you write it down. I'm not crazy. This happens. For real. ;)

Fact #7
I don't like how I'm doing this whole 'Fact #' thing. This has to stop.

I love pictures and photography. I love watching it rain. I love daydreaming. I love ice cream, unless it has nuts in it. Or coconut. Ick. I love cats. I love dogs. I love animals. I love my friends, and I love my family. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. I love pretending I'm artistic, even though all my friends know how that ends up when that happens. I love art. I love to pretend I can dance. I love to pretend I'm funny. I love to pretend that I'm still a little girl. Basically, I love to pretend about anything. I love to watch videos of the past, reminding me of how things were. I love Spanish, and I love English. I love Ohio, and I love Virginia. I love New York, and I love California. I love the U.S. and I love Europe. I love huge cities, and I love tiny suburbs. I love the ocean, and I love large open fields. I love to travel, and I love to stay in one place.

Well, now I don't know what else to say, so I'm going to go and re-read this thing of mine and make sure there aren't too many mistakes and fix the ones that I catch... and then I suppose that i'll post it!

Thanks for reading :)